发布人:可持续发展  发布时间:2014-04-01   浏览次数:4070

施骞,同济大学经济与管理学院建设管理与房地产系教授,博士生导师,长期从事绿色建筑和可持续建设、智慧城市建设管理领域的科研、教学和实践工作。被评为上海市优秀青年教师,作为项目负责人主持完成国家自然科学基金项目2项、国际项目2项,教育部博士点博导类项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金重大项目1项。获得上海市科技进步一等奖和二等奖各1次。在欧洲获得了欧盟Erasmus Mundus学者基金资助,在美国出版学术专著1部。担任《Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review》、《European Journal of Operational Research》、《International Journal of Project Management》、《Habitat International》、《Automation in Construction》、《Technology Forecast & Social Change》、《ASCE-Journal of Urban Planning and Development》等国际期刊的审稿人。曾受邀为意大利米兰理工大学和瑞典于莫尔大学研究生授课。

 Email: qianshi@tongji.edu.cn


  • 工程项目可持续建设的广义失效机理分析与控制国家自然科学基金 (70972072)负责人 2010-2012

  • 工程项目可持续建设研究及其智能辅助决策系统开发国家自然科学基金(70302015)负责人 2004-2006

  • The human side of project management: Leadership skills, Funded by Project Management Institute, USA. 负责人 2003-2004

  • 低碳建设项目参与主体行为模式分析及激励机制研究教育部博士点基金课题20120072110055. 负责人 2012-2015

  • 重大基础设施工程组织行为与组织模式创新研究国家自然科学基金(71390523) 参加人 2014-2018

  • 参加了上海世博会、上海国际机场、广州亚运会、南通滨海园区等工程的横向课题研究工作。


  • 1.学术论文

  1. Qian Shi, Yu Yan, Jian Z, Tao Yu, Objective conflicts in green buildings: A critical analysis. Building and Environment, 2016, 96(2):107-117 (SCI索引)

  2. Qian ShiX DingJian ZG Zillante, Mobile Internet based construction supply chain management: A critical review. Automation in Construction, 2016, 72:143-154 (SCI索引)

  3. Xiaodong Lai, Jixian Liu, Qian Shi*, Georgi Georgiev, Guangdong W, Indentifying the Driving Forces for Low Carbon Technology Innovation in the Building Industry: A Critical Review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review (Accepted and forthcoming) (SSCI/SCI索引,影响因子 6.798)

  4. Tao Yu, Geoffrey Qiping Shen, Qian Shi*, Comparing the Performance Quality of Design-Bid-Build and Design-Build Delivery Methods. ASCE-Journal of Construction Engineering and Management(Accepted and forthcoming) (SCI索引)

  5. Shen Zhigang, H. Ashkan; Shi Qian, Multi-objective time-cost optimization using Cobb-Douglas production function and hybrid genetic algorithm, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management , 2016, 22(2):187-198 (SCI索引)

  6. Qian Shi, Tao Yu, Jian Z. What leads to low-carbon buildings? A China Study. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review,2015,50:726-734 (SSCI/SCI索引,影响因子 6.798)

  7. Qian Shi*, Yang Liu, Jian Z, Ningxia Pan, Guofeng Ma, On the management of social risks of hydraulic infrastructure projects in China: A case study. International Journal of Project Management,2015,33(3)483-496 (SSCI索引)

  8. Qian Shi, Xiaodong Lai, Xin Xie, Jian Z. Assessment of green building policies- A fuzzy impact matrix approach. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review. 2014, 36: 203-211 (SSCI/SCI索引)

  9. Hongwei Tan, Shuqin Chen, Qian Shi, Lingling Wang, Development of green campus in China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2014,64: 646-653 (SCI索引)

  10. Qian Shi* Yikun Zhou, Chao Xiao, Rongyi Chen, Jian Zuo. Delivery Risk Analysis within the Context of Programme management using Fuzzy Logic and DEA: a Chinese Case Study. International Journal of Project Management , 2014,32(2): 341-349 (SSCI索引)

  11. Qian Shi, Jian Zuo, Rui Huang, Jing Huang. Identifying the critical factors for green construction: an empirical study in China. Habitat International. 2013,40:1-8 (SSCI索引,该论文2013年发表后为Habitat international期刊20141月到20166月引用率最高的5篇论文之一)

  12. Qian Shi*, Lai XD. Identifying the underpin of green and low carbon technology innovation research: A literature review from 1994 to 2010. Technology Forecast and Social Change. 2013,80:839-864 (SSCI索引)

  13. Jian Zuo, Ben Read, Stephen Bullen, Qian Shi*, Carbon neutral commercial building development: a case study. Journal of Management in Engineering 2013,29:95-102 (SCI索引)

  14. Qian Shi*, Jian Z. Geoge.Z. Exploring the management of sustainable construction at the programme management level: a Chinese case study. Construction Management and Economics 2012,30(6):425-440 (EI 索引)

(15)Qian Shi*,   Tomus BlomquistA new approach for   project scheduling using Fuzzy Dependence Matrix. International Journal of   Project Management. 2012,30(4):503-510 (SSCI索引)

(16)Jian   Zuo, Ben Read, Stephen Bullen, Qian   Shi*, Achieving carbon neutrality incommercial building development-Perceptions of the construction   industry, Habitat international 2012(36):278-286 (SSCI索引)

  1. Qian Shi*, Rethinking the implementation of project management: A value adding path map approach. International journal of project management, 2011, 29.(3):295-302 (SSCI索引)

  2. Qian Shi*, Leilei Zhou, Next challenge of sustainable construction: Evidence From China. International journal for housing science and its applications,2012,36(4):181-188 (EI 索引)

  3. Qian Shi*, Yujie LU, Yun Le. The sustainability of dynamic organization: A case study of the international construction coordination in World Expo 2010. Engineering Science of China 2010.12 (1):108-112 ( In Mandarin)

  4. Qian Shi*, A framework for sustainable design of construction projects, China Civil Engineering Journal 2009,42(9):125-130

  5. Qian Shi*, Yilong Xu, The Selection of Green Building Materials Using GA-BP Hybrid Algorithm, Springer's LNCS/LNAI Proceedings of the International conference of WISM'09-AICI'09, Shanghai 2009

  6. Qian Shi*, Ting Gong, An improved project buffer sizing approach to critical chain management under resources constraints and fuzzy uncertainty, Springer's LNCS/LNAI Proceedings of the International conference of WISM'09-AICI'09, Shanghai 2009

  7. Qian Shi*, Yilong Xu, Green Construction Alternatives Evaluation Using GA-BP Hybrid Algorithm, Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Management and Service Science, Beijing,2009

  8. Qian Shi*, Xin Xie, A Fuzzy-QFD Approach to the Assessment of Green Construction Alternatives Based on Value Engineering, Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Management and Service Science, Beijing,2009

  9. Qian Shi*, Identifying the cultural factors of developing a green building assessment tools in China, Proceedings of the CIB W112 International Conference in China, Shanghai, 2008

  10. Qian Shi*, Shoufeng Chen. Evaluation of Green Construction alternatives based on Value Engineering, IEEE Proceedings of the 2008 International Symposium on Information Systems& Management,2008

  11. Qian Shi*, Jianguo Chen, Modeling the Life-cycle Performance of Green Building,Proceedings of CIB W89 BEAR International Conference, Hong Kong, 2006

  12. Qian Shi*, Green Building Decision Support System Using Case-based Reasoning, Proceedings of CIB W89 BEAR International Conference, Hong Kong, 2006

  13. Qian Shi*, Assessing the Sustainability of Construction Projects, Proceedings of the 5th CRIOCM International Conference, Hangzhou,2005

  14. Qian Shi*, An Integrated Collaborative Platform for Green Building, Proceedings of the 5th CRIOCM International Conference, Hangzhou,2005

  15. Qian Shi*, Jianguo Chen, Identifying the soft skills for project leadership, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Project Management, 2004

  16. Qian Shi*, Chuanfeng H. An approach to the performance evaluation of community facilities in residential districts, International Journal for housing science and its applications, 2003,27(1): 63-74

  17. Qian Shi*, Housing Development in Shanghai: Economic Effects of Market Transition, Paper presented at ENHR international conference, Vienna, 2002

  18. Qian Shi*, Green Building Assessment in China: Present and Future, Paper presented at SB02 international conference, Oslo, 2002


    2. 专著和教材

  19. Qian Shi, Chen JG. The human side of project management. Published by PMI Press, P.A., United States. 2006.

  20. 施骞. 工程项目可持续建设与管理. 同济大学出版社.上海.2007

  21. 施骞马国丰. 现代项目管理.清华大学出版社.北京 2009

  22. 施骞胡文发工程质量管理教程第二版同济大学出版社 2016