陈 斌
纽约城市大学Baruch 学院公共事务副教授,同济大学高等研究院讲座研究员;南加州大学公共管理博士,伦敦政经学院公共管理与公共政策硕士,上海外国语大学英语语言文学学士。研究领域为公共政策执行的跨部门组织间合作治理, 政府与非赢利组织关系, 区域合作网络治理,比较公共管理与公共政策;研究政策领域涵盖家庭青少年服务,居家养老,无家可归者,精神卫生;研究方法侧重应用社会网络分析和定性比较分析。学术论文发表在《公共管理研究与理论》,《公共行政评论》,《政策分析与管理》,《国际公共管理》,《公共绩效与管理评论》,《非盈利组织管理与领导》,《公共事务教育》等学术刊物。曾供职于上海市人民政府外事办公室, 期间派往新西兰亚洲2000年基金会 (现亚洲新西兰基金会), 新西兰战略研究中心短期工作。曾获得英国文化委员会志奋奖学金,美国社会科学研究委员会博士论文奖学金,非赢利学术中心委员会威廉.达茨研究奖。
Bin Chen is an Associate Professor in the School of Public Affairs, Baruch College of the City University of New York and a Senior Fellow in the Institute for Advanced Study, Tongji University. He received his Ph.D. in public administration from the University of Southern California (USC), M.Sc. in public administration and public policy from the London School of Economics (LSE), and B.A. in English from the Shanghai International Studies University (SHISU). His research focuses on cross-sectoral governance and interorganizational collaboration in public policy implementation, government-nonprofit relations, regional networked governance, and comparative public administration and public policy; spanning policy areas across family and children services, elderly care, homeless and mental health. His research methods include social network analysis (SNA) and qualitative comparative analysis (QCA). Professor Chen published in the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Public Administration Review, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, International Public Management Journal, Public Performance & Management Review, Nonprofit Management & Leadership, Journal of Public Affairs Education, and others. Prior to his academic career, Professor Chen worked for the Shanghai Municipal Foreign Affairs Office, China. He was a policy analyst at the Asia 2000 Foundation of New Zealand (Now Asia New Zealand Foundation) and a visiting researcher at the Centre for Strategic Studies New Zealand. He was a British Council Senior Chevening Scholar in the United Kingdom, a Social Science Research Council Dissertation Fellow in the United States, and a recipient of the William Diaz Fellowship from the Nonprofit Academic Centers Council (NACC).