同济大学携手联合国环境署与联合国人居署将共同举办 “非洲绿色城市规划与南南合作研讨会”
发布人:可持续发展  发布时间:2015-03-12   浏览次数:334





该研讨会由联合国环境署与人居署“绿色城市伙伴计划”的重要落实项目之一。为共同应对城市经济、社会、人口、环境不平衡发展的挑战,确保区域和全球减贫和可持续发展,环境署与人居署联合发起“绿色城市伙伴计划”(Green Cities Partnership),其2014-2016年的重点工作领域包括:1)资源高效性城市;2)可持续交通和运输;3)固体废弃物和废水管理及4)可持续建筑和施工等。






Tongji to host Workshop on Planning for Greener Cities and South-South Cooperation in Africa with UNEP and UN-Habitat

On 16 March, the Workshop on Planning for Greener Cities and South-South Cooperation in Africa will be held in Tongji University. About 30 representatives from African cities, including mayors, deputy mayors and directors for environmental protection and urban development will attend this workshop. It is also planned that demonstration projects shall be implemented in 2 cities that will be identified based on mutual interest and possible resource mobilized, as pilot cities for greener city planning with UNEP/UN-Habitat expertise and national professionals.

This workshop will be hosted by UNEP, UN-Habitat and Tongji University, with the support from Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology. UNEP-Tongji Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development serves the organization and coordination of the workshop.

Recognizing the importance of urban development issues in the global environmental agenda, the UNEP and the UN-Habitat have combined their professional networks and technical capacity in a Greener Cities Partnership focusing mostly on three programme priorities for the period 2014-2016: (1) resilient, resource efficient cities, (2) sustainable transport and mobility; (3) solid waste and waste water management; and (4) sustainable buildings and construction. This workshop is a step to consolidate this partnership.

Welcome Tongji professors to attend the meeting.

Date: 16-17, 19-20 March 2015

Venue: Zonghe Building 902, Tongji Siping Campus

Link: http://unep-iesd.tongji.edu.cn/index.php?classid=169&newsid=2150&t=show