诸大建 同济大学可持续发展与新型城镇化智库 主任
诸大建,管理学博士,同济大学特聘教授,经济与管理学院教授博士生导师,联合国环境署-同济大学环境与可持续发展学院绿色经济责任教授。同济大学可持续发展与管理研究所所长,公共管理系主任,同济大学学术委员会副主任。享受国务院特殊津贴。2005年为美国哈佛大学和芝加哥大学高级研究学者,1994-1995年为澳大利亚墨尔本大学高级访问学者。主要研究可持续发展与绿色经济、城市与区域发展、公私合作与治理、企业社会责任等。兼任瑞士达沃斯《世界经济论坛》全球议程理事会城市化、可持续性治理、循环经济等委员会的理事,国家哲学社会科学规划管理学组专家,教育部社会科学委员会管理学部委员,建设部可持续发展与资源环境专家委员会委员,上海市政府决策咨询特聘专家,《EcologicalEconomics》、《InternationalJournal of Public Management》、《EnvironmentalPolicy and Governance》等SCI、SSCI杂志的国际编委,以及英国EllenMacArthur Foundation、意大利EnelFoundation和瑞士Firmenich等基金会和跨国公司的国际专家委员会成员,香港上市公司中国太平保险(HK966)和齐合天地(HK976)的独立董事。
Dr ZhuDajian
Dr ZhuDajian is Distinguished Professor of School of Economics &Management, Director of Institute of Governance for SustainableDevelopment, Head of Department of Public Management and Policy, andVice Chairman of University Academic Committee,atTongji University in Shanghai. He was awarded the special allowanceby China’s State Council in 2000.
Hisresearch interests include corporate socialresponsibility,sustainabledevelopment and ecological economics, urban and regional development,public service and public private partnership. He was a seniorresearch scholar at Harvard University in 2005 and a visitingresearch fellow at Melbourne University in 1994-1995.
He is a member of Urbanization(2010-2012),CircularEconomy(2014-2016)and Governance ofSustainability (2014-2016)underGlobal Agenda Council of World Economic Forum(WEF),hasinvolved in several policy research projects from internationalorganizations such as UNDP, UNEP, UNICEF,WB,ADB etc. and serves on some international journals’ editorial boardlike Ecological Economics,InternationalJournal of Public Management,EnvironmentalPolicy and Governance etc.
He isappointed as a member of The State Foundation for Social Sciences, amember of the Social Science Commission under the Chinese EducationMinistry, a member of the Experts Commission on SustainableDevelopment & Resource and Environment under the ChineseConstruction Ministry, a special policy advisor for ShanghaiMunicipal Government and some other Chinese cities, and a sustainabledevelopment advisor for Expo 2010 in Shanghai.
He isalso members of International Expert Committee of Enel Foundation inItaly,EllenMacArthur Foundation in UK and Firmenich in Switzerland.